Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Schedule of ELC Youth Events!

This is the informative website that will give you a schedule of upcoming youth events for Edgebrook Lutheran Church. It is regularly updated. Some events, especially service projects, may be subject to change. Keep checking back for updated info. Enjoy!

Friday April 11th: Theater and Theology for Crossroads and EMERGE.
- Time: 6:00-9:00 pm
-Details: Come watch a movie with the group, and then figure out how you see yourself and God through the characters presented. We'll tackle both funny and serious topics. Our first movie will be "Remember the Titans." Even if you've already seen the movie, come and find out new insights!
-Cost: Free!

Sunday April 13th: Fun, Games, and God for 4th and 5th Graders.
-Time: 4-5:30pm
-Details: Come on out, bring friends, and we'll play games, do some interactive/interesting talking about God, and eat some good food. Friends are always welcome!
-Cost: Free!

Saturday April 19th: Park District Clean-up for anyone and everyone!
-Time: 9:00am-12:00 noon
-Details: Commemorate Earth Day by cleaning up the forest preserve. Join the Edgebrook Lutheran Church clean-up team on Saturday in the Bunker Hill section of Caldwell Woods. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Parks. Work gloves, garbage bags, snacks and water are provided. Participants receive an Earth Day T-shirt. Call Lisa Kerr if you have any questions.

Sunday April 20th: Bikeworks Chicago Bike Drive!
-Time: 9am-4pm
-Details: Bikeworks Chicago takes old bikes, rehabs them, and sells them at reduced prices for adults, children, and entire families to help provide transportation and offset carbon emissions all at once! This is a service project opportunity for Catechism students, and is just a fun event in general. People will drop off their bikes, and we'll load them up. Come and help!
-Cost: Free

Tuesday April 22nd: Whirlyball!! for Crossroads and EMERGE.
-Time: 7:00-9:00pm
-Details: Come play this very strange, very fun game with other youth at ELC! Imagine bumper cars, Lacrosse, and basketball all rolled into one. Friends are welcome! You must sign up in advance, and have friends do the same.
-Cost: $15.00

Saturday April 26th: Confirmation Meeting for 8th Graders only.
- Time: 10:00am-11:30am
-Details: We'll run through the confirmation service, go through some last minute details, and answer any questions you might have. Please mark your calendars for this event, as it is very important to have everyone there.
-Cost: Nothing

Sunday May 4th: Confirmation Sunday for 8th Graders!
- Time: 9:00am service. Please make plans to be at this service, with a cake reception following directly afterward.
-Details: Send out invitations! Mark the calendars! This is Confirmation Sunday, and the last Sunday of Easter.

Friday May 9th: Theater and Theology for Crossroads and EMERGE.
-Time: 6:00-9:00pm
-Details: Are you a brain, a jock, a misfit, or an outcast? You are not alone. Literally. See how God plays into the lives of many different people through the movie "The Breakfast Club." Learn more about God and yourselves through this classic.

Wednesday May 14th: Greater Chicago Food Depository for Crossroads and EMERGE
-Time: 4:45-9:30
-Details: Volunteer at Chicago's largest food distributor and see how the pantries in Chicago get their supplies!
*Note: You must be at least 13 to help out with this event.

Sunday May 25th: Meditative Worship geared toward younger brains for youth 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and High Schoolers (parents are also encouraged to come). *Note the Change of date*
-Time: 6-7:30 pm.
-Details: Come learn some of the ins and outs of Christian meditation, and how you can center your lives around silence, prayer, and God. This is good for anyone interested in spiritual and physical health and wholeness. Please note that this IS worship, and will not be a time of games, but a time of quiet.

Saturday May 24th: Paintball! for EMERGE and eligible Crossroad-ers.
-Time: TBA
*Note: You must be at least 13 to participate in this event.

Sunday June 1st: "God and My Life" for 4th and 5th Graders
-Time: 4-5:15
-Details: We'll play some games and do some art that will prepare us to look at how we think about God, and about how we want to move forward with God in our lives.

Sunday-Tuesday June 22nd-24th: Light in Thy Light Conference at Valparaiso, Indiana for 8th-High School
-Time: Afternoon of Sunday June 22nd-Tuesday 24th Afternoon.
-Details: This is a unique leadership conference geared toward youth 8th grade-HS that is fun, spiritual, and interesting. If you are interested, please contact Vicar Tim. For more information, go to
-Cost: $40.00 ( A reduced rate that includes all meals, gifts, and extras)

Tuesday July 1st: Night Ministry for EMERGE.
-Time: TBA
-Details: TBA

Friday July 11th: Volunteering at St. Matthews for Crossroads.
-Time: TBA
-Details: TBA

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